Contact Matthew Haeck

Your Friendly Neighborhood Freelance Developer

If you'd like to contact Matthew Haeck, please use the notes below to send an email. If you're looking to contact a solid freelance developer, scroll down to the work together box and we can take it from there.

Secure Email Contact - PGP

If you've got any questions or requests and you're able to use encrypted email, please feel free to . I try to renew my PGP keys quarterly and this should be my current PGP key. This account is checked daily and if you could use a primer on pgp encryption, this post explains it fairly well.

Fingerprint: 5474 0232 A7F3 4162 B005  4521 1299 0C0C 05D9 3208

Basic Email Contact - Gmail

If you'd like to contact me with a standard email, feel free to contact me on . I generally check this account every Monday. Feel free to shoot me an email there and I'll get back in touch as soon as possible.

Social Media

I'm not personally active on many social media accounts and my most frequently used are on the footer of the website. I've included a few links below of other websites I use on occasion.

Last Updated:

Work Together

If you’d like to hire me, or if you’re just hoping to get in touch, feel free to use the handy form below.

Annual Newsletter

I usually send out a newsletter at the end of the year with general updates. Good way to keep in touch.
